Thursday, May 13, 2010

I love you.

I really honestly truly DON'T see what Nate sees in me, but I'm damn glad that he does. I don't know what (or where) I'd be without him. He's made me the person I am today, a hell of a lot better. I don't know what I'd do without him. He makes me, ME. I sure hope he never ever ever forgets that. Man, I love him.. he really has no idea. I love him more than anything in the entire world, and I'd do anything, and everything to make him happy. I strive to be the best person I can be, for him. Because sometimes I need to be strong for him. And sometimes he needs to be strong for me. But either way, I'm completely 100% his, and I always will be. And no matter WHAT we ever go through, I know it's never going to break us apart. The things we've already been through really shows that we're forever. And I know people usually don't know "their forever" after just seven months, at 15 years old, but I guess I'm just the oddball out of that. Because I KNOW that he and I are forever (and ever and ever and ever.) Not a minute goes by that he's not in my mind, and I'm not worried about him, yet so thrilled to see what happens next. I could spend hours just talking about how much I love him, how much he's helped me, and how much I need him and his support. It feels SO good to know that I can go to him, in my pajamas, with no make-up on, at my absolute worst, and he still thinks I'm absolutely flawless. I wouldn't be able to go more than a a day without talking to him, it'd break me. He's what I need to get through the day, his voice, his love, his support. HIM.
It sends shivers down my spine every single time he touches me, hugs me, kisses me. And I can't see myself without him, not ever. He is my life, and there's no doubt about it. I love him with absolutely everything I am and I don't ever see that changing.

Monday, May 10, 2010


and I want extensions, PRONTO. I've been doing a bunch of shopping/research on them, for about two weeks now, and I just can't find something that I could trust to be worth my money. And all of the GOOD quality ones are $150+ which sucks, because I've got $55 to spend. Hmph.. this sucks.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

it's been a while.

not really, only a few days, but still. it feels like i haven't been on here for a while.
a lot has been going on, and only a select few know about it... only the ones who care.
i'm at home, taking care of my brother corey, while aidan sleeps, and my dad is out shopping. this morning was stupid, i was woken up by yelling again. i hate when that happens.
i guess i'm doing nothing, again, today.
OH and apparently, when me and nate lay in his bed together, and sit together in the back seat, that's "disrespectful" to his parents, so if we do that again, i'm not allowed over anymore? it's bullshit. but it's whatever. nobody is going to keep us apart.

okay, bye.